First Aid Training in Suffolk

We provide a range of courses in Suffolk

  For workplaces that are looking for First Aid Training in Suffolk, there are normally two types of First Aid courses, the 1-DAY FAW course or the 3-day FAW course. However some workplaces require further training for their staff owing to additional risks that staff can face, for example, the Forestry Commission require staff to have completed a Forestry First Aid Course. This is usually a one-day first aid course or a three-day first aid course with a special module attached to the course called Forestry + F, this together forms the forestry first aid course for more information on the Forestry + F Course click here.  
What is a One-day EFAW Course?
The one-day Emergency First Aid at Work course is for those who need the minimum training, to briefly manage an emergency in the first few minutes until the arrival of expert help, appropriate workplaces for the one-day Emergency First Aid course or what is known as an EFAW include workplaces and shops.
I have done the 1 Day EFAW Course, now what?
The Health and Safety Executive strongly recommend that you undertake regular annual refresher training every year for the time that your certificate is valid, once you first aid certificate expires, you must undertake a new Emergency First Aid at Work course to continue to be a workplace first aider.
I Need the Three-Day FAW Course!, please
This is a high-level First Aid course for all other workplaces that have more risks than those that work at an administrative environment. Three-day first aid course teaches students a range of medical conditions that are common in the community and in workplaces and how to manage those conditions as a first aider in the workplace. The three-day first aid course also covers workplace injuries for example, how to manage crush injuries, these types of workplace injuries are not covered on the one-day first aid course.
So, I have done the FAW course, what do I do next?
The Health and Safety Executive strongly recommend that you undertake regular annual refresher training every year for the time that your certificate is valid, once your first aid certificate expires, you must undertake a new First Aid at Work Refresher or Requalification course to continue to be a workplace first aider.
Have you considered the risk of uncontrolled bleeding?
Machinery, tools, and sharp instruments are common in most workplaces, as such there is a risk of people becoming seriously injured. The HSE now recommend that in workplaces where blood loss and uncontrolled blood loss is a possibility, training in the use of bleed control or haemorrhage control products or haemostatic dressings is recommended. On both the EFAW and FAW courses training can be provided on how to stop the bleeding, how to stop bleeding, and learn how to use bleed control products and what can stop bleeding fast. Training 999 is pleased to be able to provide this specialist training and this will be annotated directly onto your First Aid Certificates where knowledge and competency has been achieved. To view our range of training and to book a trainer to visit your venue please click here

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