Frec 3 Courses

First Response Emergency Care

Courses /


What's included

Training 999 Training pack
Training Certificate
Frec 3 Course Guide

*Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) ** For each successful Learner


This course is endorsed by The Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care and The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.

The competencies set out in the Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) skills framework at descriptor Level D.

When used as part of the FREC suite of nationally reognised pre-hospital medical qualifications can progress from a Community First Responder, to trainee ambulance crew roles, to autonmous ambulance clinican, and registered Paramedic at Level 6.

Course Content

Please note, that this is an overview of what this course covers. Please contact us for further details. Our course is designed to make sure you can respond to emergency situations.

We ensure participants will be safe to be a by assessing their knowledge with multiple choice question papers and practical assessments.

  • Roles and responsibilities of a first responder
  • Medical emergencies
  • Patient assessment
  • Airway management
  • Adult, child and infant CPR & AED usage
  • Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) procedures
  • Emergency oxygen
  • Traumatic and minor injuries
  • External, internal and Catastrophic bleeding
  • Shock 
  • Poisoning and intoxicating substances
  • External and internal bleeding
  • Helmet removal
  • Neck, spine and pelvic immobilisation
  • Environmental exposure
  • Burns and scalds
  • Incident reporting

About the First Response Emergency Care Course

What course do you need?

The Course Suite is a stage-by-stage process (modular) you must start at level 3, pass each qualification and progress to the next.

You may be able to APAL prior study. This would be done on a case-by-case basis. For example, a military medic may be able to provide evidence of some of the competencies required.

What is the First Response Emergency Care 3 course?

These courses are the alternative way for a person to work towards becoming a pre-hospital clinician such as Community First Responder or progress through the FREC suite of qualifications to an Emergency Medical Technician or Associate Ambulance Practitioner or a Paramedic.

An alternative way to learn

These courses are a way to learn vocationally in a modular format and is popular with those employed in the NHS ambulance services.

They are also used by independent ambulance services, voluntary ambulance services, the military, or those for whom three years at university is not an option.

Can I become a clinician via this qualification?

Where do I start?

This course must be completed first. The course suite of pre-hospital care qualifications can be completed and eventually can lead to the award of a Level 6 Diploma in Paramedic Practice (RQF). 

It is at this stage where the learner will be able to register as a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). 

They can then use the legally protected title of “Paramedic”.

What do the qualification levels mean?

  • Level 3 is the required standard required to work at the apprentice level under the supervision of an autonomous clinician.
  • Level 4 Trainee EMT/AAP
  • Level 5 is the standard required for Autonomous non-registered Healthcare Professionals (EMT/AAP)
  • Level 6 – HCPC registered Paramedic.

The aim of the qualification is to progress towards an autonomous clinician. Previously known as an Emergency Medical Technician, they are commonly known as an Associate Ambulance Practitioner in the NHS Ambulance Service.

Book This Course

Your Details

Where You Want To Hold The Course

Who is it for?

Course Cost

First Response Emergency Care course can be delivered at your venue.

A group of up to 6 learners can be trained on-site for £4,500

Max of 6 learners with 1 trainer.

Contact the team at Training 999 for further details of our courses.